We are two communities: St. William Catholic Church and Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel joined by faith and love for Jesus Christ. We welcome all into our parish family to come together to bring love, peace, forgiveness, healing, and joy of Jesus Christ. We believe that together we are the Body of Christ. Our mission is to live out our faith, grow, invite, inspire, educate, and lead people to know and love Jesus Christ.
Somos dos comunidades: la Iglesia Católica St. William y la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe unidas por la fe y el amor a Jesucristo. Damos la bienvenida a todos a nuestra familia parroquial para que se unan y traigan el amor, la paz, el perdón, la sanación y la alegría de Jesucristo. Creemos que juntos somos el Cuerpo de Cristo. Nuestra misión es vivir nuestra fe, crecer, invitar, inspirar, educar y guiar a las personas a conocer y amar a Jesucristo.
St. William of Vercelli was born in northern Italy in 1085. At the age of 14, St. William felt a calling to go on a pilgrimage to the Santiago de Compostela in Spain. He was most known for leading monasteries throughout Italy. The feast day of St. William is celebrated on May 23.
St. William Catholic Parish in Cashion, Arizona, was founded 50 years ago. The community was first established by immigrant farmers. It is currently a diverse community with members from all over the Phoenix metropolitan area.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission is a quaint community located in Southern Phoenix. It is the sister mission of our main Church, St. William.
Santo Toribio Romo is in the preliminary stages to merge both communities, St. William and Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission. In the future, it will be a shrine for Saint Toribio Romo and Mexican Marytrs.